Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I know I shouldnt let this anonymous person get to me, but I cannot believe the way people are in this world. One of my pet peaves is ignorant people. Who judge people and talk bad about people they dont even know!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Here is a pic of the only one i am fluffy...and sweet...


Birthday Party

Today we went to my little cousins 8th Birthday Party at Incredible Pizza it was fun we have been stressed so it was nice to just have some fun for a little while. Here are a few pictures...

Couscous Cafe

We went to the Couscous Cafe...its my husbands favorite place...he said he feels like he is in morocco when he goes there. We had Lamb and Couscous and Milfay for dessert OMG it was so good fresh made...yummy!! here is a pic of me at couscous all the moroccan talk i got bored so i was playing with the iphone...

Its a nice place to relax and feel like you are somewhere else...but if you know moroccans they never get in a hurry so i take a book or something to occupy myself while he visits all his friends. Well I am gonna post a couple of other things then i better go Salam Sisters!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I need your Dua's Please

Salam Sisters, Well if you read earlier posts you know i have relatives living with me. well all of them have left but one and he had nowhere to go at all because he has problems with alcohol and he has burnt all his bridges with everyone else. We wanted to give him a chance and try to help him to get his life back on my husband Aziz found him a job as a mechanic with a moroccan guy that is his friend and he has been staying with us and doing really good...UNTIL...TODAY...Aziz sold his car so that he could buy a taxi which means we dropped our insurance on it but it needed some work so before we signed the title over we took it too my cousin at the shop he works at and gave him $100 to fix all the little stuff that it needed....So today i get a phone call from the police and they ask me " do you know so and so" I said "yes hes my cousin" They said "do you own a toyota camry" I said "yes" they said did it have damage to the passenger side and 2 flat tires last time you saw it" I said "no" well i had to go meet the police my cousin is so drunk he cant talk and has wrecked Aziz's car!! so needless to say we had to give the guy back his money so now no taxi and no car to sell and We dont know what is gonna happen for now.

I know Allah works in mysterious ways so i just have to say Hamdullah and know that there is a reason this all happened but Aziz is just beside himself, and I am hurt that because of my family my husband is hurting!! I am up now because i have such a headache and i cant sleep. So please keep us in your dua's and pray that Allah helps us to get everything worked out and that our life can get back on track. That is alot to happen in the 6 months that we have been married and i just feel sick from it.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Business Update

For the last few days me and my cousin have been painting the building and getting it ready..well we finished and now in the morning we are going to get the equipment and bring it up here and get everything set up and ready to go. I am ready to get started but i am nervous because now we have a big payment. But I know I have to trust in Allah (SWT) that everything is going to be ok. I think that we will do good insha allah!! Well its late and I need to sleep so i can get up early...may Allah bless you in all that you do...goodnight sisters.

CousCous Cafe

Salam Sisters, Tonight me and Aziz went to eat at the CousCous Cafe. I ate Chicken Tagine with couscous and water i also had milfay for dessert, yummy!! Aziz had a Kofta Sandwich and fries and a homemade yogurt and a coke. There were alot of our friends there and we had a good time. I have learned since i dont know the language to take things to keep me busy, a book, my computer, a notebook to write in or something because when we go there we are on Moroccan time and we stay there forever. But it makes Aziz happy because it reminds him of home, so i dont mind. Then we came home and Aziz went to work hes working the night shift tonight...uggg!!! I miss him...but we have to pay the bills! Beslama!!