Tuesday, November 10, 2009

After the Nikah

After the Nikah we went out to eat at a New Place it is a Bangladesh place it was pretty good all Halal so that was a plus...then we went to the CousCous which is a Moroccan Place and had tea and visited friends he was talkin moroccan so i was playing around with the camera and took pics of myself...so here they are.

Then I took some Black and Whites I was a liitle bored but Aziz was having such a great time talking that I figured out how to entertain myself I usually carry a book with me...so here are the black and whites...

Is it my Imagination or do Blacj and White Pictures make everthing look better...I think I really love black and white photos!!


  1. salaamz sis
    masha'allah u look beautiful
    in black and white andd colour
    and that ring is just beautiful

  2. black and white pictures give it an air of sophistication i think.

  3. The ring is definitely beautiful. Congratulations again. Did your family come up for it?

  4. Black and white photos are nice and mashaAllah your ring is beautiful!

  5. Thanks for all your sweet comments...No they didnt come for it...but i talked to them on the phone...Salamz

  6. I love your ring too. What a great day for you!
